Faro Focus Scanning Software Workflow

Faro Focus Scanning Software Workflow

Stream App

    • Free Software that is downloaded on Tablet or Phone
    • Connects to Focus Scanner via WiFi
    • Used for field scanning, very basic functionality

Sphere XG - LINK

    • Optional Software that the customer can purchase annually.
    • Moves and manages projects from Stream to SCENE.
    • This software is used on the tablet (via Stream and on desktop computer)

Scene - LINK

    • This is a "must have" software that is purchased annually.
    • Processes and registers the scans taken with the Focus scanner.
    • Can do basic measurements, geoposition the scan to control points, view/edit the scan and a few other features.
    • This software is used on a desktop computer.

AS-Built Suite - LINK

    • Optional Software that the customer can purchase annually.
    • This is a "plug in" or "add on" to AutoCad or Revit
    • This makes working with the scan much easier and faster inside of Revit or AutoCad. This will save time and energy when trying to identify objects, such as pipes, walls, posts, doors, etc.
    • This can also be used for placing the scans onto the AutoCAD/Revit Model